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Saturday, October 15, 2011

7 Steps to Health and Happiness

Many of us have kicked our bad habits to curb, whether it's cigarettes, excess alcohol, drugs or food, saying good bye to these health zapping tormentors is never easy, especially if you have not replaced them with anything positive. Call it a new beginning, if you like, you must clean up your act by swapping your unhealthy addiction with a healthy one. Here are a few tips to jump start your new and improved life-
Move it! Exercise will be your salvation:
Don't take my word for it, try for yourself!. Whether you run, walk, ride your bike or work out at the gym, there is actually more to it than staying fit and trim, although that is not bad for starters!  For me it was having control - no longer a slave to things that made me feel bad physically, just because I thought that this was what I needed to do. I also felt guilty, so the justification process starts, denial and all sorts of little tactics that allow one to continue participating in unhealthy behavior. All your energy is spent on disguising your life instead of celebrating it.
For sanity's sake, get those endorphins circulating and you will feel a natural high like none other. You will also look great too!

Don't Resist the Urge to Rest:
It is unfortunate that some people associate naps with laziness, because these days, most of us are simply not able to get straight eight hours of sleep. Instead of feeling frazzled and unproductive, take a well deserved time out. Grab your favorite pillow, cushy throw, cuddle up and catch up on some midday zzz's.  It will seem like the greatest luxury in the world! When you emerge, you will feel refreshed, rejuvenated and will, not doubt, be more efficient at whatever it is you are trying to accomplish!
We have only just begun ~ click here to complete your journey and learn the remaining steps to improving your life. Balancing the ups and downs is something that we all confront so be proactive to get an edge on your health issues now for a happier ever after!

Hang your purple ribbon, San Jose: October is domestic violence awareness month

Hang your purple ribbon San Jose: October is domestic violence awareness month