Perhaps some of the above hold true, because generally speaking, in life, there are usually more than one contributing factors to any state of mind - including happiness! I truly don't believe that removing all the stress in life would necessarily create happiness, boredom maybe, but stress can also act as a great motivator. Like most emotions, a certain amount of stress is vital to the supreme balance of things. How do we know how relaxed or calm feels if we have never encountered stress?
The key seems to be found in the way we view our universe. I know this sounds cliche but the old adage about the glass being half full or half empty seems to ring true here, confirming that if a positive attitude can somehow overshadow its negative counterpart then you may have a less stress moment on the way.
It really is all a state of mind! Some people seem to have the ability to take control of life: as masters of their fate, rather than the victims of circumstance.
Don't misunderstand my message - I am Nancy Negativity from way back...Poor me, Why me...and I really did spend hours trying to figure out why God chose me to experience such unpleasantries.
Gradually, I started to take more responsibility for my misfortunes, writing a journal each day helped me to discover how completely pessimistic I was. Sometimes you become so caught up in your own cycle of defeat that you don't even realize how you are sabotaging your the years fly by. Then I had to slowly force myself to look at my actions through a more positive lense. And I do mean force! They say 21 days to break a habit but I think it takes a lifetime of effort to refocus your attitude and learn to believe in yourself.
When you view the stressors of your life as a challenge rather than a threat, you tend to come up with more effective solutions and feel more exhilarated (rather than drained) as you tackle these circumstances.

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